Benefits Of Using Professional Implementation Services For ERP Software

Technology Blog

If your company plans on using enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to manage day-to-day activities, you need to make sure it's implemented correctly. You can feel good that it will be if you use professional implementation services, which are key for a couple of reasons. Create End Goals For More Organization You can keep ERP implementation on track the entire time if you first create some end goals. What is it you want to gain out of this software and how do you want it to perform once it has been implemented?

19 July 2022

3 Important & Essential Cyber Security Tips

Technology Blog

It is easy to feel comfortable as you sit on your computer or phone, doing your work. However, no matter how comfortable you feel, the truth is that someone else may be out there, trying to hack into your device and steal your personal and business information. That is why cyber security is so important. Just because you can't see the threat doesn't mean it isn't out there waiting for you.

12 April 2022

How to Tell If a Cell Phone Screen Is Repairable

Technology Blog

Paying for a cell phone is an investment, and screen repairs are often the cheapest way to avoid paying more for a new phone. You might wonder whether repair work is an option for your phone, though. People considering cell phone screen repairs can usually check these five things to confirm whether their units are repairable.  Does the Phone Power On? Even if you see nothing on the screen, check to see if the power light is on.

17 February 2022

Need To Rent A Projector? Know What Features To Look Out For

Technology Blog

Do you need to rent a projector for short-term use, but you do not know what the differences are between all the projectors out there? It will help to know the basics of projectors so that you can pick the right one for your needs. Resolution A projector is going to display a series of dots that make up the image, which is what is known as the resolution. They're very similar to the pixels of a television, where more pixels in space result in a higher quality image.

23 September 2021

Why Prioritize Investing In Business Intelligence Software Integration?

Technology Blog

They say data is the new oil. Data enables you to generate information that can open vast possibilities for businesses, both big and small. Data enables your business to get insights into your customer, assess your competition, and identify new growth opportunities. Business intelligence software delivers useful and relevant data at all levels of your decision-making. Why should you make it a priority to invest in business intelligence software integration?

6 May 2021

Parent Getting Older and Lives Alone? 2 Tips to Help Them Stay Safe in Their Home

Technology Blog

If you have a parent that is getting older and they live alone, you may be worried about their safety especially if they live far from you. If so, below are two options you have to keep your parent safe so you can feel better. Install a Home Security System One of the things you can consider is installing a home security system. There are different types of systems available. The best choice is a system that connects to the security company.

6 May 2021

3 Crucial Considerations When Looking For A Cybersecurity Service Provider

Technology Blog

SMEs often lack the resources and financial muscle to support in-house IT and cybersecurity personnel. However, hiring an external cybersecurity service is a much more cost-effective and quick option. Such services allow for effortless security implementation and management for your company. With numerous choices at your disposal, it's crucial to understand how to pick the right cybersecurity vendor that matches your business requirements. To find a network security service that checks all of your boxes, keep in mind these essential considerations:

26 March 2021